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Not Your Mom's ARt

Art that your mom probably didn't have growing up

Crowd Funding

Not Your Mom's ARt

Closed 19831 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes ago

Started on: October 05, 2015
Closed on: October 23, 2015 (03:00 AM GMT 3).

1%  |  5 User Supported 19785 Social Reach

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About this Campaign

Growing up I remeber our childhood homes filled with beautiful works of art. Most of which included landscapes, flowers, maybe a house in the hills. And although they are beautiful, they were never my taste. I tried a still art class...almost fell asleep. I wanted something more. Something that had depth, and emotion, and lots of colors. Oh the colors. I wanted golds and silvers with black and greens and crazy reds that no one else had. And this is what my art is. There is no rhyme or reason to it. But it will make you think, it might bring out strong emotions. It will leave you wanting more, leaving with questions that you might not get the answers to. That is what I paint. That is what I love.

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registered 9 years ago

I started painting when I was a little girl watching my late grandma paint in her garage and I knew that when I grew up that I wanted to be an artist like her. It was such a feeling of contentment and happiness that she had when she painted. I took my first real art class in high school and learned


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